
  • Hi :wave:, I’m Matan, a cryptography enthusiast!
  • I’m the co-founder and head of research at Sodot
  • I’m also a cryptography PhD studnet :man_student: at Reichman University.
  • I’m honored to be advised by Prof. Elette Boyle.
  • I’m a proud member of the FACT center.


  • I’m mostly interested in the uses of cryptography to solve real-life privacy and security problems.
  • I’m also interested in the more deep foundational works about cryptography and the relation to complexity theory.
  • I really enjoy writing, and this is why I initially started this blog.

In The Past…

  • I was working as a full time applied cryptography researcher at ZenGo.
  • I have been honored to accomplish my Master’s degree under the advisory of the Prof. Eli Ben-Sasson (today at Starkware) and Prof. Mark Silberstein (today Professor at EE@Technion).
  • You can also have a look at my Master’s Thesis!
  • I was serving at Israeli Intelligence Community for six years as a research and innovation leader.
  • I am also a Psagot Program alumnus
  • I was the teaching assistance in charge at Technion’s Data-Structures course for three years.
  • I was a Computer-Science undergrad student at the Technion, Israel.

Other Hobbies! (Or: I do have some life!)

  • I enjoy traveling :airplane: and everything which is traveling related.
  • I’m an avid unprofessional photographer :camera:! I enjoy learning more about it, starting from basic techniques, equipment, optics and digital processing.
  • I’ve been playing the piano :musical_keyboard: for 17 years and enjoy listening mostly to classical music.
  • I love cooking :man_cook: and also eating my cookings afterwards.
  • I enjoy teaching :man_teacher: and explaining how things work, mostly for the selfish cause of understanding it better myself :grin: